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Lesson 5

Author: Egoshkin Danila Igorevich


  1. Linux main command: sudo
  2. Linux base commands
  3. Terminal - command line :)
  4. Bash scripts
  5. Bash vs Bat vs PowerShell

Linux main command: sudo


  • apt - Advanced Package Tool
  • Pacman - PACkage MANager for ARCH-like OS
  • PPM - Puppy Package Manager for Puppy-like OS
  • RPM - Red Hat Package Manager

apt update vs apt upgrade

The same as: git fetch vs git pull
The same as: Only ask vs take

apt update

as same as

git fetch

It just only asks. Nothing more.
Is something changed on the repo?

apt update vs apt upgrade

sudo apt update - Оновлення баз даних пакетів (вказаних в "/etc/apt/sources.list")

sudo apt upgrade - Встановлення оновлень. Оновлення системи.

Linux: ls vs Win: dir

ls - is a command to LiSt files in dir - Unix
dir - is a command to list files in DIR - Windows

Linux, Win: cd

cd - Change Directory
cd F:/
cd /d "F:\HackingTools"

Win: cd

Linux: cd


Tab - auto-complete dir/file name


Win: tree


                            sh: sudo apt install tree
                            sh: tree --version
                            sh: tree

Linux: chmod

chmod - change mode

COLOR - in console

Win: color n


                            #! /usr/bin/env bash


                            echo -e "${BOLDGREEN}Behold! Bold, green text.${ENDCOLOR}"
                            echo -e "${ITALICRED}Italian italics${ENDCOLOR}"

COLOR - in console

                            sh: for COLOR in {1..255}; do echo -en "\e[38;5;${COLOR}m${COLOR} "; done; echo;

Almost commands

sl (сокр. от «Steam Locomotive»)

                        $ sudo apt install sl

Linux, Win: mkdir

mkdir - MaKe directory

Linux touch vs Win ???

Linux: touch - make new file

                            $ touch file.txt
                            $ echo "" > file.txt 
                            $ cat /dev/null > ./file.txt 

                            $ type nul > file.txt
                            $ copy nul > file.txt
                            $ echo .> file.txt
                            $ cd . > file.txt

Linux, Win: echo

                            $ echo "Hello, Neo!"
                            $ echo "Hi, there!" >> file.txt

Linux: cat vs Win: type

                            $ touch file.txt
                            $ echo "Hello, Neo!" >> file.txt
                            $ cat file.txt

                            $ type nul > file.txt
                            $ echo "Hello, Neo!" > file.txt
                            $ type file.txt
                            $ start file.txt

Linux, Win: wget

wget - download files from web Linux:

                            $ sudo apt-get install wget.

Win: https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/

OR: WinHTTrack

                            wget -nd -r -P /storage -A jpeg,jpg,bmp,gif,png https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borscht

                            wget -e robots=off --span-hosts --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:99.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/99.0" -nd -r -P /storage -A jpeg,jpg,bmp,gif,png https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borscht

Here is some more information:

-nd - prevents the creation of a directory hierarchy (i.e. no directories).
-r - enables recursive retrieval. See Recursive Download for more information.
-P - sets the directory prefix where all files and directories are saved to.
-A - sets a whitelist for retrieving only certain file types. Strings and patterns are accepted, and both can be used in a comma separated list (as seen above). See Types of Files for more information.


man - MANual


Thanks for your attention :)